Star Wars Outlaws – Ubisoft Warns of Progression Blockers on PS5 Following Recent Patch

star wars outlaws 1024x576 1 Star Wars Outlaws – Ubisoft Warns of Progression Blockers on PS5 Following Recent Patch

Those who remain on older saves following the title’s recent patch have been unable to progress and must create new saves.

Massive Entertainment’s Star Wars Outlaws launches on August 30th, but early access is live for Gold and Ultimate Edition owners. Patch 1.000.002 recently went live, and though it addresses multiple issues, unintentional progression blockers have been introduced.

The issue causes PS5 players to get stuck in space after a certain amount of progress. IGN noted an email from Ubisoft regarding the same, which apologized for the issue and revealed that players must start a new save after updating their game. Sticking with a previous save will result in “issues and progression blockers.”

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like a fix for players on older saves is forthcoming. Since Gold and Ultimate Edition owners have to pay extra for early access, the frustration is real for some players. On the bright side, at least the patch adds 40 FPS mode, presenting a nice compromise between Performance and Quality.

Star Wars Outlaws is playable on Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and PC.