Mortal Kombat 1’s Full Roster Has Leaked

mortal kombat 1 image 4 1 1024x576 1 Mortal Kombat 1’s Full Roster Has Leaked

A Reddit user who got access to the game’s Switch version two weeks ahead of launch has leaked the full roster of main fighters and Kameo characters.

NetherRealm Studios has gradually been filling up Mortal Kombat 1’s roster of main fighters and Kameo characters with a consistent stream of new reveals over recent weeks, but with the game now under two weeks away from launch, its full roster has leaked online.

A Reddit user who got their hands on the Nintendo Switch version of Mortal Kombat 1 early has uploaded images showing the full main roster and the roster of Kameo fighters. We won’t be mentioning any new names here in case you want to avoid spoilers, but you can view both images through the links above. In total, the game features 24 main fighters and 16 Kameo fighters- though, of course, post-launch characters have also already been confirmed.

Meanwhile, the same leaker has also uploaded roughly two minutes of footage of the Switch version, showing some notable technical problems, including screen tearing and significant frame rate issues.

Mortal Kombat 1 launches on September 19 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.