Code Violet Announced – Action Horror Title with Dinosaurs by Quantum Error Devs
Set in the distant future, the third-person action horror title is scheduled to launch for PlayStation 5 this July. Quantum…
Set in the distant future, the third-person action horror title is scheduled to launch for PlayStation 5 this July. Quantum…
The first-person shooter is playable on PS5 and PC (via the Epic Games Store) and features ample packs of dinosaurs…
The frantic first-person shooter sees Sheriff Sam Judge mysteriously transported to an era packed with dinosaurs and aliens. TeamKill Media…
Confirmed features include the lack of reloading, a grappling hook, a Berserk-like power-up, and weapons from “different eras.” Remember Quantum…
Launching in 2024, the first-person shooter sees players venturing to prehistoric Earth to fight all manner of dinosaurs. Quantum Error…
TeamKill Media’s cosmic horror shooter is set to launch for the PlayStation 5 on November 3. TeamKill Media’s Quantum Error…
TeamKill Media’s cosmic horror shooter is set to launch for PlayStation 5 on November 3, while Xbox Series X/S and…
Lengthy new gameplay videos showcase the game’s combat, various environments, its audio and visual design, and more. TeamKill Media has…
“QE has been made to be played with the PS5’s extremely fast SSD, the Xbox SSD is quite a bit…
Developer TeamKill Media says it will be showing “a lot” of the cosmic horror shooter “fairly soon”. It’s been a…