Assassin’s Creed Mirage – Tools, Upgrades, Assassin’s Focus and More Detailed in New Video

assassins creed mirage image 2 1024x576 1 Assassin’s Creed Mirage – Tools, Upgrades, Assassin’s Focus and More Detailed in New Video

Stealth is a core part of the latest Assassin’s Creed. Find out all the options that Basim has at his disposal to succeed.

With Assassin’s Creed Mirage releasing later this week, Ubisoft has a new video outlining everything players need to know about stealth. Basim starts his journey armed with throwing knives, but upon taking down the first main target in the story, he can quickly unlock more tools.

They include the Noise Maker for distracting nearby enemies; the Trap, a non-lethal proximity explosive; and the Smoke Bomb for escaping or setting up assassinations. Players can upgrade their tools to suit their play style and unlock new Skills – like Pathfinder, which enhances Enkidu’s View or Chain Assassination for taking down two targets simultaneously.

Basim also has Assassin’s Focus for marking and executing up to five targets. However, you first need to charge the Focus Bar with stealth kills, with each chunk allowing for more targets in the kill chain. Check out the video for details on Notoriety, Social Stealth techniques, and more.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage launches on October 5th for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5 and PC.