Cities: Skylines 2 Gets New Trailer Showing off City Services and Infrastructure

cities skylines 2 1024x576 1 Cities: Skylines 2 Gets New Trailer Showing off City Services and Infrastructure

Check out the newest trailer for Cities: Skylines 2, which shows off how you can use medical facilities, schools, and other infrastructure to improve the life of your citizens.

Developer Colossal Order has released a new trailer for upcoming city builder Cities: Skylines 2, this time around focusing on showing off how city services will work in the game. Check out the trailer below.

The trailer shows off how players can build various city services to ensure the health and happiness of their citizens. Alongside basic options like schools and medical facilities, players will also have to build crematoriums and cemeteries to ensure that the citizens in Cities: Skylines 2 have proper access to health and death care.

Cities: Skylines 2 will also allow players to build a Welfare Office, which would allow them to offer their citizens a safety net. Crime and fires will also have to be dealt with by putting down enough police stations and fire stations to ensure city-wide coverage.

A new feature of Cities: Skylines 2 will be the ability for players to build Internet-based infrastructure for their cities. Alongside other important things like electricity and water, players can also put down cables and lines to ensure that everyone in their city has stable access to the Internet, which in turn will drive growth.

Cities: Skylines 2 is coming to PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S on October 24.