Diablo 4 Video Details the History of Lilith and Inarius, Outlines New Characters

Diablo 4 1024x576 1 Diablo 4 Video Details the History of Lilith and Inarius, Outlines New Characters

What led to the events of Diablo 4, and how will players work to oppose Lilith? Find out more here before the game’s launch on June 6th.

With Diablo 4’s Server Slam concluded, the development team at Blizzard Entertainment is working towards the full game’s launch in June. It’s already covered the classes and end-game but what about the plot? What is going on? How does the story connect to Diablo 3? Check out the latest video below to learn more.

Set 50 years after Reaper of Souls, with half the population wiped out, the world of Sanctuary is in upheaval following the return of Lilith. She’s known for creating the world with Inarius, but they’ve had their share of disagreements and clashes over the years. How Lilith will impact the world remains to be seen, but Inarius isn’t sitting still, using his army of knights, led by Prava, to wage war.

Other characters include Donan, a member of the Horadrim, and Nyrelle, who hunts for artifacts with her mother (as seen in the beta). Both will provide support throughout the story and ultimately help fight against Lilith.

Diablo 4 launches on June 6th worldwide for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5 and PC. It’s out on June 2nd for Deluxe and Ultimate Edition owners, with the first season kicking off in mid to late July.