Redfall Trailer Highlights Devinder and His Anti-Vampire Weaponry

As an author and cryptid hunter, Devinder is plenty familiar with mysterious enigmas, and invents his own weapons to fight against them.

Out of Redfall’s four playable characters, Arkane has released dedicated trailers for three so far, having shone the spotlight on Layla, Jacob, and Remi. Now, the developer has released another new trailer (courtesy of IGN) that turns its attention to the fourth of the group- Devinder Crousley.

As an author and a cryptid hunter, Devinder has plenty of experience chasing after mysterious and inexplicable phenomenon, so when he finds himself stranded in Redfall amidst a vampire apocalypse, he finds himself well-equipped to deal with the situation. He’s also an inventory, which means he can make special makeshift weapons to deal with vampiric threats, from electrified spears that shock and stun enemies in place to a throwable device that allows him to teleport where it lands. Check out the trailer below for more details.

Redfall is out on May 2 for Xbox Series X/S and PC. Arkane recently confirmed that on Xbox, the game won’t feature a 60 FPS mode at launch.