Title Update 5’s content, which includes a returning Elder Dragon, and release date for Nintendo Switch and PC will be revealed.
Capcom has announced that the next Digital Event for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will air on April 19th at 7 AM PT. It focuses on the free Title Update 5, which includes new content like a returning Elder Dragon. Dame Fiorayne (or rather, her voice actor, Valerie Arem) also returns to host the event.
Whether this will be the final Title Update for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak remains to be seen. The Elder Dragon could be the penultimate end-game boss, so prep your gear accordingly. It may be Fatalis returning for another encore, but itโs unlikely given his presence in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.
Fans can expect the release date to be revealed during the Digital Event, which should be later this month for Nintendo Switch and PC. Xbox and PlayStation players will get it later, especially since Sunbreak launches for those platforms on April 28th.