The Last of Us Part 1 PS5 Patch Adjusts Weapons, Adds New HBO T-Shirts

Rifles use hit-scan physics, melee attacks with two-handed weapons now kill stunned enemies, and companions are much more helpful.

The Last of Us Part 1 has received several patches on PC following its disastrous launch, but the latest update is actually for the PS5 version. In addition to adjusting the aim sensitivity slider to 1-100 from 1-10, it also changes up various weapons and adds some new HBO-themed in-game t-shirts for Ellie to wear.

Rifles now use hit-scan physics instead of projectiles, making them more reliable. The pump shotgun’s base fire rate is also higher, and melee attacks with two-handed weapons will kill stunned enemies. You can also stagger Infected enemies for longer by meleeing while sprinting.

Companion characters are also more useful overall, throwing bricks and saving you from grapples more often. Various improvements to the visuals, subtitle fixes and more are also available. Several bugs, like bow draws reducing your accuracy with other weapons, are also thankfully fixed. Check out the full patch notes below for more details.

1.03 Patch Notes

  • [Brazilian Portuguese] Remastered and increased the audio quality for in-game voice lines
  • Adjusted aim sensitivity from 1-10 to 1-100, with a lower minimum sensitivity
  • Companion characters now throw bricks at enemies during combat more consistently
  • Rifle weapons now use hit-scan instead of projectile physics to determine whether they hit an enemy
  • Increased the pump shotgun’s base fire rate
  • Melee and Fire may now be bound to the same button in Customize Controls (Options > Controls > Customize Controls)
  • Speedrun Mode timer now pauses during black screen fades
  • Melee attacks using a two-handed melee weapon now kill stunned enemies
  • Meleeing while sprinting now staggers Infected enemies for longer
  • Player character can move sooner after finishing a melee swing
  • Companion characters rescue the player character from enemy grapples more consistently
  • Shotguns and rifles begin rechambering sooner after being unholstered
  • Melee attacks that send enemies to their knees now combo into finishers, whether or not the player has a melee weapon
  • Increased time that human enemies are staggered after being punched
  • Enemies no longer beg for their lives when they can’t be easily reached by the player
  • Adjusted timing of various checkpoints throughout the game
  • Numerous visual improvements and adjustments throughout the game
  • Multiple fixes to subtitles, UI text, and Screen Reader lines
  • [Grounded Difficulty] Reduced the accuracy of the turret truck
  • [Permadeath Mode] The deer hunt is no longer considered a combat encounter

Bug Fixes

  • Drawing the bow no longer reduces the player’s accuracy with other weapons
  • Fixed an issue where the player may spin around their target when using sprinting melee attacks
  • Fixed an issue where a melee swing may be canceled mid-swing when holding a shotgun
  • Loading save files no longer affects the number of bonus feature unlock points currently available
  • Fixed an issue where some weapons’ reloads may be interrupted before all bullets were loaded
  • Corrected accuracy of the El Diablo pistol when using its scope
  • Fixed an issue where nail bombs may be retrieved after detonating
  • Director’s Commentary now plays during the final credits
  • Rechambering a weapon now registers as complete sooner, so the player won’t have to repeat the animation if interrupted
  • Baseball bats now do the same damage against Clickers as other two-handed melee weapons
  • Player no longer automatically succeeds when machete-wielding enemies do an evasive counterattack
  • Fixed an issue where Infected may use a human enemy’s grab attack when grabbing the player from behind
  • Fixed an issue where companion characters may die in combat at unintended times
  • Removed some cover positions that allowed enemies to shoot the player character without revealing themselves
  • Infected no longer enter the ‘beg for life’ state
  • Fixed an issue where some items and ingredients were not added to the player’s inventory when collected
  • Fixed issues with some in-game cutscenes where the player may get interrupted if attacked
  • [The Prologue] Tommy will lead the player more consistently
  • [The Prologue] Fixed an issue where player character may die during the car crash cutscene
  • [Tommy’s Dam] Fixed an issue where the player character may get stuck behind a door during the fight at the hydroelectric dam
  • [The Firefly Lab] Shooting a doctor will no longer make them invincible to flamethrowers
  • [New Game+] All extra ammo and ingredient types now appear as intended when playing in Full Loadout mode on Grounded difficulty.

Left Behind Standalone

  • The arcade minigame will not request multiple attacks that deal no damage in a row
  • Moved a corpse’s arm to the correct location
  • Improved Ellie’s accuracy to match her accuracy during the main story


  • Improved Navigation Assistance goal placement across various locations
  • Fixed button prompts that showed the incorrect button in certain circumstances
  • Fixed some collectible items not highlighting correctly when using High Contrast Mode
  • Fixed various issues where the incorrect cue would play when using audio cues
  • Fixed issue in Chapter and Encounter Select menus where the Screen Reader did not read sub-chapter names

Additional Content

  • New HBO® in-game t-shirt cosmetics for Ellie