Diablo 4 – Midwinter Blight Event Starts Today, Rewards and Midwinter Square Detailed

Diablo 4 Midwinter Blight 1024x576 1 Diablo 4 – Midwinter Blight Event Starts Today, Rewards and Midwinter Square Detailed

Available on World Tier 1 in the Seasonal Realm, players must defeat Blightfriends and destroy Frigid Husks to collect materials.

Blizzard Entertainment’s first seasonal event for Diablo 4, Midwinter Blight, starts on December 12th at 10 AM PST. It’s available to all players in the Seasonal Realm on World Tier 1 until January 2nd, 2024, and sees players battling new threats in the Fractured Peaks. Check out the first trailer below.

To start the event, players can speak to Gileon in Kyovashad. Players are acquainted with Midwinter Square, which must be decorated by slaying Blightfiends for Blighted Fragments and destroying Frigid Husks for Lost Heirlooms, eventually facing the Red-Cloaked Horror.

After you’ve earned enough Fragments and Heirlooms, you can trade them for Midwinter Proofs, which are exchanged for rewards. These include Gileon’s Brew, Back Trophies for different classes, a Mount Trophy, weapon cosmetics, and the “Shard of Dawn” Offensive Legendary Aspect.

Stay tuned for details on other changes when the update goes live. Diablo 4 is available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5 and PC. It’s currently in the middle of another limited-time event, Abattoir of Zir.