King Arthur: Knight’s Tale – Legion IX Expansion Announced, Coming to PC in Early 2024

King Arthur Knights Tale Legion IX 1024x576 1 King Arthur: Knight’s Tale – Legion IX Expansion Announced, Coming to PC in Early 2024

Retailing for $19.99, it promises new heroes, combat mechanics, a larger party and a new story about the Roman Ninth Legion.

NeocoreGames’ role-playing game King Arthur: Knight’s Tale is coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X/S next year. However, PC players can look forward to new content with the Legion IX expansion. It launches in early 2024 for $19.99 on Steam. Check out the cinematic reveal trailer below.

The story focuses on the Roman Ninth Legion, a new threat to the Kingdom of Avalon that is seemingly undead. Players will encounter a tribute of the Legion, venture to a Roman Colony on the island and learn some secrets from the Lady of the Lake. In addition to new enemies, the expansion promises new heroes, combat mechanics, and a larger party.

Stay tuned for more details on the expansion in the coming months. King Arthur: Knight’s Tale is available on PC, having left early access in April 2022. It received a sizable update earlier this month, adding new story missions and reducing the installation size significantly.