Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Cinematic TV Spot Showcases Spider-Men vs Venom

marvels spider man 2 image 1024x576 2 Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Cinematic TV Spot Showcases Spider-Men vs Venom

Watch Peter Parker and Miles Morales battle against a rampaging Venom ahead of the open-world title’s release on October 20th.

Amid all the details and gameplay for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, a new cinematic TV spot has been doing the rounds in Brazil. Dubbed in Portuguese and shared by @multiversebro on Twitter, it sees Miles Morales and Peter Parker battling Venom in Manhattan. Check it out below, though beware of spoilers for Marvel’s Spider-Man.

Gameplay trailers and screenshots have showcased Venom till now, but this cinematic spot highlights the size difference between him and the Spider-Men. Of course, throughout all, Peter Parker is shown at a specific grave and musters the determination to fight against the Symbiote. Venom’s identity remains unknown, but Miles and Peter are doing their darndest to win.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 launches on October 20th for PS5, having recently gone gold. Despite taking place on a map about twice the size of previous games, with new areas like Queens and Brooklyn, its playtime is roughly the same as the first game.