Ad Infinitum Receives New Trailer Ahead of Worldwide Launch

ad infinitum 1024x576 1 Ad Infinitum Receives New Trailer Ahead of Worldwide Launch

The psychological horror title launches on September 14th worldwide, but Nightmare and Supporter Edition owners can play now.

Nacon’s psychological horror Ad Infinitum has received a new trailer, providing a quick look at the various terrors that players will experience. Developed by Hekate, it releases on September 14th for Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and PC. However, those who purchase the Nightmare Edition on consoles or the Supporter Edition on PC can start playing now.

Ad Infinitum is about a German soldier stuck in a strange nightmarish loop, reliving the horrors within the trenches and traversing his family’s manor. Players learn more about their parents and upbringing, including the devastating effect of the war on the family. There are different monsters to deal with, either via stealth or by solving puzzles.