10 PlayStation Franchises That Deserve a Comeback:
Sony has made a name for itself by building upon established franchises and new intellectual properties over the past four console generations. While the flood of new games has been good for the most part, there seems to be some favoritism when choosing which games they are going to dedicate their time and money to. Sony has the rights to many classic games that they have seemingly forgotten about or chosen to ignore for far too long. With so many intellectual properties’ and an undeniable track record, it is a shame that they have done so little with their massive backlog of series and characters. These are some PlayStation franchises that deserve a comeback.
#1 – Twisted Metal

You would have to think that with the TV show releasing recently that PlayStation would have something cooking in the pipeline for this series. Finding a way to capitalize on the success and nostalgia the IP commands would be an easy win for them. There was the recently released Destruction All-Stars, which unfortunately did not have the staying power that anyone had hoped. The fast paced action, superb destruction mechanics, and hilarious absurdity makes this series a classic that almost any PlayStation gamer has enjoyed at some point. A new Twisted Metal would be a welcome addition to PlayStations line-up and a nice change from the normal third person action adventure games that Sony puts out.
#2 MAG

MAG is an interesting title, because you almost had to be there to know just how special it was when it first came out. During Call of Duty’s rise to dominance over the first person shooter market, MAG came along and offered something no one else had been able to before on console. True massively multiplayer online battles. A single game could hold up to 256 players at the same time on a single map. When it worked, it was beautiful, creating absolute pandemonium from the sheer amount of interactions going on at any given time. In a world where the first person shooter market is dominated by Battlefield and Call of Duty, a MAG revival would be a refreshing change of pace. With how much better servers and connection issues have gotten over the past decade, this is a game that could truly shine and offer a unique experience for many players.

Superhero games have had a rough time in the gaming ecosystem as of late. Recent releases and mishaps like Gotham Knights and the laughable Suicide Squad game have left gamers craving extreme power fantasies without much to look forward to aside from Marvel’s Spiderman 2. While PlayStation definitely tried to create a solid experience with inFAMOUS Second Son, it didn’t quite hit the mark and it is unlikely they are going to revisit it anytime soon. It did however, have a unique power system that was aligned to your decisions that changed your powers depending on if you chose to be a good or bad superpowered maniac. It’s an idea that is deserving of expanding upon at the very least, and the more ways to feel like an overpowered god in gaming is always welcome.
#4 Warhawk

Whether you played the original Warhawk in 1995 or the 2007 remake, you’ll know just how absolutely insane this game could get. It was vehicular madness to the max, featuring a large variety of different futuristic vehicles and weapons to experiment with in it’s huge sandbox maps. Warhawk was at its best when it was played with friends and could more than certainly benefit from a fresh coat of paint. Even though it featured so many different ways to play, it always felt balanced and gave everyone the tools they needed to succeed regardless of how they chose to play. While Sony did try to create a sequel to the PlayStation 3 game with Starhawk that wasn’t entirely successful, another crack at this franchise from a fresh perspective would likely be a hit with those who have fond memories of this awesome series.
#5 Resistance

Resistance was once a staple franchise for Sony. It seems however that the franchise has been put on ice in favor of other projects. While there have always been small rumors of a revival for the series, none of those have yet to come to fruition. This is unfortunate, because for those who remember the series, it is often regarded as one of Sony’s best. The simple yet tried and true story of man vs. alien was done so in a way that was satisfying and memorable. On the PS3, Resistance 3 had some of the best online multiplayer gameplay the console had to offer with interesting and unique alien weapons to boot. Now that Sony has seemingly begun an online-focused resurgence of games, it may be the perfect time to take this series off the shelf and introduce it to a whole new generation of gamers.
#6 Ape Escape

It seems almost daily there is a thread somewhere on the internet asking if Ape Escape will ever come back. To many, this game series represents a time of nostalgia and platforming fun for anyone who owned a PlayStation that can’t be matched. While other consoles had Mario and Banjo and Kazooie, PlayStation had Specter the monkey. The game series represented everything good about those old classics we remember so fondly. Tight responsive controls, great music, cool gadgets, and a very unique charm that came along with it. Nowadays, PlayStation has Astro Bot and Sackboy as their poster child for cute platforming protagonists. While they have certainly proven to be deserving in their own right, it definitely leaves something to be desired. One thing is for sure though, a comeback of a very funky monkey would make a lot of patient fans incredibly happy.
#7 Syphon Filter

The Syphon Filter franchise fills a nice hole in Sony’s current first party offerings. Solid stealth based third person espionage. In simple terms, it was Sony’s version of Splinter Cell combining Metal Gear Solid and Goldeneye into one cohesive package, and damn was it good. It feels as though a series like this could have an easy time appealing to new fans with a remake or a new game even. Bluepoint Games has been knocking old classics like this out of the park with their remakes of older games like Shadow of the Colossus and the Demon’s Souls Remake. If they decided they wanted to do another remake this would assuredly be an easy choice that would do a lot to revitalize this franchise and give it the spotlight it deserves.

Chances are, even if you have never played SOCOM, you have heard it talked about many times. This is a franchise that, rightfully so, commands respect. It helped to solidify the tactical shooter genre as one of great importance and paved the way for games like Rainbow Six Siege to succeed. Over it’s many entries it raised the bar for realism and smart gunplay that was incredibly addicting. Ordering your squad with your voice offered a new level of immersion that run and gun shooters couldn’t compare too. That bar was elevated even higher when going online to compete against other teams. The rewarding think-before-you-shoot gameplay the series offered created many tense moments that games are still trying to replicate today. One can only hope that PlayStation plans to eventually bring back the series in a big way.
#9 Sly Cooper

Another one of PlayStation’s forgotten Mascots. While the most recent game came out in 2013, it still has been quite some time since we have gotten to see this dastardly racoon in action. His games were best known for their fantastic stealth-action platforming, excellent mission variety, interesting mini-games, and amazing music. It is no wonder that most of the games in this series have aged like a fine wine and still hold up even by todays standards. While Crash Bandicoot has seen a recent revival, I believe a Sly Cooper resurgence could do just as well. With so many characters and IP’s under PlayStations belt, it is a shame to have them sit around slowly being forgotten.
#10 PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

With all the past characters from franchises previously mentioned, as well as all of the new characters PlayStation has created over the past decade, this game is in desperate need of a sequel. While other companies have tried to cash in on the Super Smash Brother’s money train with Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 and Warner Brothers Multiversus, Sony seems to be in the best position currently to do so. Their first attempt should be a lesson learned to make way for a sequel that is firing on all cylinders. They hold a massive number of characters and IP to pull from as well. The roster alone is enough to get excited about. They are also in the unique position of being able to go the M-rated route to allow for some seriously interesting additions and guest characters. PlayStation has the funding to create something with the same level of care, passion, and polish as the Smash Brothers Series in their own unique style. Seriously PlayStation, think about it.