Endless Dungeon Gets a New Music Video-Styled Trailer

endless dungeon image 2 1024x576 1 Endless Dungeon Gets a New Music Video-Styled Trailer

The new Endless Dungeon trailer features the song Endless performed by Lera Lynn and Arnaud Roy.

Developer Amplitude and publisher Sega have released a new trailer for Endless Dungeon. The video, which you can check out below, is a music video featuring the song Endless as performed by Lera Lynn and Arnaud Roy.

Alongside the song itself, the video shows off some gameplay from the upcoming rogue-lite tactical action game, as well as some of the game’s quieter moments, like characters hanging out at the bar or reading a letter.

Endless Dungeon was announced all the way back in December 2020. Originally planned for release in May, the game has since been delayed to its current October 19 release date. According to the studio, the decision to delay the game was made because the developers didn’t feel like it was at the level of quality that it needed to be.

The game is a rogue-lite dungeon crawler, and supports online co-op. It is coming to PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. There are also plans for a Nintendo Switch release, but there is no release date yet.