Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden Gameplay Was Mainly Inspired by God of War

Banishers Ghosts of New Eden Gameplay 1536x864 1 Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden Gameplay Was Mainly Inspired by God of War

The developers over at Don’t Nod studio appear to be massive fans of Santa Monica’s rebooted God of War series, so much so that the gameplay for their upcoming title, Banishers: Ghost of New Eden, was inspired by the series’ successful fresh new take.

The developers over at Don’t Nod studio appear to be massive fans of Santa Monica’s rebooted God of War series, so much so that the gameplay for their upcoming title, Banishers: Ghost of New Eden, was inspired by the series’ successful fresh new take.

Don’t Nod, who previously developed Vampry, recently sat down with PLAY Magazine (Issue 32, November 2023,) to discuss the game, shedding some light on the game’s inspiration. Specifically, the gameplay, as many have already noted, strikes some resemblance to Santa Monica’s rebooted God of War games. That’s not by accident, as the game’s Creative Director, Philippe Moreau, states that when it comes to the gameplay of Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, it was mainly inspired by God of Way.

“We decided very early in the development to just begin a new fight system from scratch. So we took God Of War as the main inspiration, [particularly with the] game feel and how the camera is close to the character and [you] can move by strafing. […] Compared to Vampyr, it’s a big improvement.”

Speaking of gameplay, you can watch 14 minutes of gameplay for Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden right here. We also posted the different editions and pre-order bonuses of Banishers for those interested in purchasing it now.

It is easy to see the similarities, and hopefully, like God of War (2018), Banishers Ghosts of New Eden ends up being a surprise hit. We won’t have long to find out, as Banishers Ghosts of New Eden launches for the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on November 7.

Tags: Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden Don’t Nod God of War