Alan Wake 2 Trailer Focuses on The Dark Place

alan wake 2 image 4 1024x576 2 Alan Wake 2 Trailer Focuses on The Dark Place

The survival horror title’s newest trailer also offers a glimpse of how Remedy will be making use of live action this time around.

Alan Wake 2 has looked like the sequel we’ve all been waiting for in all that’s been shown so far, and as promised, Remedy Entertainment brought the survival horror title to Gamescom Opening Night Live with another new showing. And while previous showings for the game have been focused on new protagonist Saga Anderson and the familiar locales of Bright Falls, its newest showing focuses on the titular Alan Wake himself, who finds himself in The Dark Place.

The Dark Place is described as a dream world that’s created by the wanderings of Alan’s tortured mind and his writings. Of course, as its name implies, it’s not a cheerful place in the slightest, and will see the troubled writer crossing paths with a number of twisted nightmares.

Alan Wake 2 is, as you’d expect from a Remedy game, also going to make use of live action, which, according to writer and creative director Sam Lake, will be seamlessly interwoven with the game itself. The trailer offers some interesting glimpses of that as well. Check it out below.

Alan Wake 2 is set to launch on October 27 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.