The Walking Dead: Destinies is a New Narrative-Focused Action-Adventure Game Based on the TV Series

the walking dead destinies 1024x576 1 The Walking Dead: Destinies is a New Narrative-Focused Action-Adventure Game Based on the TV Series

The Walking Dead: Destinies will have players take on the role of different characters through the first four seasons of the TV show.

A new game based on The Walking Dead TV series has been announced. Titled The Walking Dead: Destinies, the game will be a third-person action-adventure title with a focus on its narrative. The Walking Dead: Destinies is slated for release on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch. Check out its announcement trailer below, courtesy of IGN.

The Walking Dead: Destinies will put players in the shoes of various characters throughout the show’s first four seasons, where they will get to make choices that might end up changing how the story plays out. The title starts out with players taking on the role of Rick Grimes. Players will get to visit important locations from the show, like Woodbury, the prison, and the Greene farm.

According to publisher GameMill Entertainment, The Walking Dead: Destinies will feature more than a dozen characters from the TV series, including fan-favourites like Daryl, Michonne, Shane, and Carol. Each character will have their own unique skills, abilities, and arsenals, which players will have to make use of to make it through the game’s harrowing events.