Project CARS 4 Leak Shows Early Concept Footage for Cancelled Racer

Project CARS 3 03 1024x576 1 Project CARS 4 Leak Shows Early Concept Footage for Cancelled Racer

Electronic Arts announced last year that it was halting all future development on Slightly Mad Studios’ racing franchise.

Slightly Mad Studios delivered a handful of solid racers with its Project CARS franchise, and was, at one point, at work on its next instalment with Project CARS 4. However, in November last year, it was announced by Electronic Arts – which owns Slightly Mad Studios’ parent company Codemasters – that all future development on Project CARS was being halted, effectively cancelling the next instalment.

And though the future of the franchise looks murky at best, fans have, interestingly enough, recently got a new glimpse at what some of it would have looked like- a very rough and early glimpse, at the very least. Shared by YouTube channel Game Over Tapes, a new video showcases some of the early concept in-game 3D user interface that was being made for Project CARS 4 prior to its cancellation, seemingly made by UI artist Christian McMorran. Check it out below.

Since announcing plans to shelve the Project CARS franchise last year, EA or Slightly Mad Studios haven’t said anything about what it is the latter is going to be working on next. Shortly after said announcement, former Slightly Mad founder Ian Bell stated that he would be looking to recruit members of the series’ development team for his new studio, Mildly Annoyed Games, and its racing title.