Luto Receives Chilling New Trailer, Demo Now Available on Steam

Luto 1024x576 1 Luto Receives Chilling New Trailer, Demo Now Available on Steam

Broken Bird Games’ first person psychological horror title is in development for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

We might never get to find out what Hideo Kojima and Konami’s excellent P.T. might have turned into if Silent Hills hadn’t been cancelled, but plenty of first person horror games have emerged in the years since then to fill that void. One in particular that caught the eye of many with its announcement last year was Luto, and developer Broken Bird Games recently offered another glimpse of the first person psychological horror title with a new trailer at the Future Games Show Summer Showcase.

Though the trailer is brief, it does set the stage for what looks to be shaping up to be a chilling experience, with plenty of unsettling imagery and horrifying sights stuffed in there. Fans of the genre will certainly want to take note.

Broken Bird Games has also confirmed that a free demo if Luto is now available on Steam, so if you want to go hands-on with the game and see what it’s all about, this is your chance.

Luto is in development for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. No release date has been announced for the game yet.