After Us is Out Now on PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC

after us image 1024x576 1 After Us is Out Now on PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC

The 3D platformer focuses on Gaia, the Spirit of Life, as she explores the wastelands of Earth to save the Spirits of the last animals.

After Us, Piccolo Studios’ narrative 3D platformer, is available now on Xbox Series X/S, PC and PS5. Published by Private Division, it’s the story of a distant future where the last animals have died out, and the Devourers have led the world to ruin. As Gaia, the Spirit of Life, players must free the spirits of the last animals and return them to Mother.

The task is easier said than done as Gaia explores districts full of waste, arid wastelands, and deteriorating skyscrapers. Thankfully, she possesses various abilities, from air dashing and double-jumping to bursts of life that can clear out hazardous oil. It will all be necessary to traverse the world, especially when the Devourers notice her.

For more details on After Us, check out our official review here, where we awarded it an eight out of ten. The platforming, controls and aesthetic are compelling, though there are some performance hiccups, middle-of-the-road combat and missed opportunities with the lore.