The First Descendant Trailer Teases Ines and Her Electrical Abilities

The newest playable Descendant can chain electricity between multiple enemies and even rain down in a thunderbolt-like fashion.

Nexon’s The First Descendant is prepping for the second update in Season 2: Void Chaser, which goes live on January 16th and adds Ines Raya as a new Descendant. As a member of H.O.U.N.D., she’s capable of channeling electricity and decimating hordes of foes at range. Check out some of her gameplay in the latest teaser (which also briefly features Fellow).

Though her abilities have yet to be detailed, Ines seemingly disintegrates threats and drops down from above like a thunderbolt for area-of-effect damage. It’s distinct from Bunny, another electricity-focused Descendant, but we’re keen to see how her playstyle shakes out.

The update will also have other content like Void Erosion Control, Void Inner Core, and Weapon Core Unleash, so stay tuned for more details. The First Descendant is available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and PC. The third and final update for Season 2 is coming next month, adding various themed skins alongside other new content.