Quantum Error Showcases Third Person Gameplay in New Trailer

quantum error

Developer TeamKill Media has confirmed that its upcoming cosmic horror shooter will also feature an option for third person view.​

It’s been a while since we last got an update on cosmic horror shooter Quantum Error, but developer TeamKill Media is continuing to plug away on it behind the scenes, and has recently revealed a key new detail. Though announced as a first person shooter, it turns out it will also offer players the option to a third person perspective.

TeamKill Media revealed the same with a new gameplay clip today, which showcased a failed stealth section turning into a combat encounter, all shown from an over-the-shoulder perspective. As per the video’s description, players will be able to switch between first person and third person in the middle of gameplay as well, while in third person view, switching shoulders will also be an option. Check out the clip below to get a glimpse of what it will look like.

Quantum Error is in development for PS5, PS4, and Xbox Series X/S.