Street Fighter 6 Trailer Highlights Fatal Fury’s Mai Shiranui

Street Fighter 6 Mai Shiranui 1024x576 1 Street Fighter 6 Trailer Highlights Fatal Fury’s Mai Shiranui

Arriving in early 2025 as the third DLC character in Year 2, the kunoichi launches alongside her stage from Fatal Fury 2.

Terry Bogard signaled the arrival of Fatal Fury into Capcom’s Street Fighter 6, but he’ll be getting some company soon. Mai Shiranui joins the roster in early 2025 as part of the Year 2 Character Pass, complete with her signature stage from Fatal Fury 2. A new teaser is available, which sees the World Tour protagonist running into her.

It’s not long before rival ninjas ambush Mai, and we see some of her moves in action, from the elbow strike of Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi to her anti-air Hishou Ryuuenjin. Even the mid-air Musasabi no Mai appears near the end, though the protagonist avoids the brunt of the impact (which is a good thing since she’s their new Master in World Tour).

Mai Shiranui is the third DLC character in Year 2; the fourth is Elena from Street Fighter 3: New Generation, arriving in Spring 2025. Stay tuned for more details on Mai’s moveset and her release date.

Street Fighter 6 is available for PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S.