Star Wars Outlaws – Wild Card DLC is Out Today

star wars outlaws wild card 1024x576 1 Star Wars Outlaws – Wild Card DLC is Out Today

Outlaws’ first expansion sees Kay Vess infiltrating a high-stakes Sabacc tournament and crossing paths with legendary scoundrel Lando Calrissian.

Star Wars Outlaws’ base experience is in need of plenty of improvements, which is something that developer Massive Entertainment is keenly aware of. The open world title today saw the launch of its fourth post-launch title update, bringing a number of improvements, but alongside that, the game also welcomes its first content addition today.

Wild Card, the first of two post-launch story expansions for Star Wars Outlaws, is out today. Included with the game’s season pass, Wild Card sees protagonist Kay Vess embroiled in a high-stakes Sabacc tournament, while she also ends up crossing paths with infamous outlaw and fan-favourite Star Wars character Lando Calrissian. Check out the trailer below for a glimpse of what the expansion has in store.

Star Wars Outlaws is available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.