The Plucky Squire is Now Available

the plucky squire 1024x576 4 The Plucky Squire is Now Available

Developed by All Possible Futures, the title combines Zelda-like adventuring with platforming and 2D/3D realm transitions.

All Possible Futures’ The Plucky Squire is out now for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC. PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium subscribers also get access to the title as part of Sony’s Game Catalog.

The Plucky Squire is the tale of Jot in a metaphysical sense. As the hero of the titular book, he goes on adventures with his friends, Violet and Thrash. However, when the villain, Humgrump, becomes aware of the world’s true nature, he violently ejects Jot into the real world. By shifting between 2D and 3D realms, Jot must overcome the evil sorcerer’s plans.

The Plucky Squire is a concise adventure with about eight to ten hours of playtime.