The Plucky Squire Transforms Into a Pop-up Book with New Launch Trailer

the plucky squire image 4 1024x576 1 The Plucky Squire Transforms Into a Pop-up Book with New Launch Trailer

Watch Julia Yus and Yeray Pérez Vallejo bring the upcoming 2D/3D title to life using all kinds of paper engineering techniques,

The Plucky Squire, a hybrid 2D/3D game from All Possible Futures, is out for consoles and PC tomorrow. While previous trailers outlined its playtime and accessibility features, the launch trailer is quite different. It’s a pop-up paper book of the game’s biggest moments, courtesy of Julia Yus and Yeray Pérez Vallejo. Check it out below.

Said moments include Jot fighting against what seems to be a honey badger, shooting down flying bugs with a bow (head here for details on how he got it), and more. Aside from Humgrump, there are potential new bosses, like a giant flying bird. A wide shot of the Land of Mojo closes the trailer, with Humgrump menacingly hovering near Artia, where the queen resides.

The Plucky Squire will be available for Xbox Series X/S, PS5, PC, and Nintendo Switch (while launching day one on PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium). It’s verified to run on the Steam Deck; unfortunately, it won’t reach 60 frames per second on the Switch.