Four More Xbox Games Are PlayStation-Bound – Rumour

xbox logo 1024x576 1 Four More Xbox Games Are PlayStation-Bound – Rumour

Amidst rumours that another major Xbox title will be announced for PlayStation soon, it’s now claimed that several others are also in the pipeline.

Sea of Thieves, Grounded, Pentiment, and Hi-Fi Rush all released beyond the boundaries of Xbox earlier this year, coming either to PlayStation, or to both PlayStation and Switch. Now, it seems more Microsoft titles are headed for similar multiplatform releases. Recent leaks have suggested that a major Xbox first-party title is set to be announced for PlayStation imminently, and another leaker is now claiming that several additional multiplatform announcements for first-party Xbox games are also in the pipeline.

Taking to Twitter, known Xbox leaker eXtas1s recently claimed that four more first-party Xbox games are set to release for PlayStation in the near future, but didn’t provide details related to timing, or what these games might be.

Windows Central’s Jez Corden has suggested that the title set to be announced for PlayStation imminently could potentially be Indian Jones and the Great Circle (and not Forza Horizon 5, as some leaks had suggested), though there isn’t much clarity on that front yet.

Either way, it does look like Microsoft’s rollout of multiplatform titles is only going to increase momentum, which is exactly what the company has suggested multiple times in recent months.