Star Wars Outlaws Trailer Showcases its Many Different Planets

star wars outlaws image 6 1024x576 1 Star Wars Outlaws Trailer Showcases its Many Different Planets

Star Wars Outlaws will allow players to explore the windswept savannas of Toshara, the deserts of Tatooine, the icy environments of Kijimi, and more

When Star Wars Outlaws launches later this month, it will allow players to dive into the first ever fully open world Star Wars game, with its interstellar map set to include a variety of different planets, moons, and more for players to explore. Ahead of the game’s release, Ubisoft and developer Massive Entertainment have offered another look at some of the planets that players will be exploring in the game.

As you would imagine, a number of the planets in Star Wars Outlaws will be familiar to fans of the IP, from the desert planet of Tatooine to the icy Kijimi, which was first introduced in The Rise of Skywalker. There’s also the Outer Rim planet of Akiva, while the windswept savanna moon of Toshara is going to be an entirely new location introduced to Star Wars canon. Fan-favourite location Canto Bight will also be featured in the game, though it’s not included in the trailer. You can view the trailer below.

Star Wars Outlaws launches on August 30 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.