Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Trailer Showcases Triwizard Schools

harry potter quidditch champions image 1024x576 1 Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Trailer Showcases Triwizard Schools

From the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic to Durmstrang Institute to, of course, Hogwarts itself, the upcoming title will let you fly around in arenas in all three schools.

Last year’s Hogwarts Legacy didn’t feature playable Quidditch, much to the dismay of many, but we’ll soon be getting our fill of the fantastical sport with the upcoming Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions, for which WB Games has revealed a new gameplay trailer.

In addition to showcasing what the game is going to look like in action, this newest trailer focuses on the three Triwizard magical schools that players will be able to play as and against, and showing each of their arenas where games will be played.

There’s the Pyrenees Mountain Valley at the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, the icy locales of Durmstrang Institute under the Northern Lights, and of course, the familiar grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Check out the trailer below for a glimpse of all three arenas.

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions launches on September 3 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.