The First Descendant Post-Launch Roadmap Includes New Colossus, Mega Dungeon, and More

The First Descendant 04 1024x576 1 The First Descendant Post-Launch Roadmap Includes New Colossus, Mega Dungeon, and More

Season 1 begins in late August, while Season 2 debuts in December, as Nexon aims for three-month cycles between seasons.

With The First Descendant available now worldwide, Nexon’s development team has released a Launch Showcase video breaking down its different aspects. However, it also provides a post-launch roadmap, outlining the content to expect in the coming months. Check it out below.

It kicks off with the pre-season, which runs for eight weeks. In early August, a new Descendant – the musically inclined Luna – will be added alongside a new Colossus, Gluttony, and Ultimate weapon. Valby will also get an Ultimate suit. Season 1 begins in late August with Invasion, adding field completion and a new Descendant, complete with their own story.

There will also be a new Colossus, dungeon, weapon, skin and Ultimate Descendant. Early December marks the arrival of Season 2 Ancestor, with a new utility companion, Mega Dungeon, Descendant and their accompanying story. It will also feature a new Colossus, dungeon, weapon and Ultimate Descendant. The current plan is to offer monthly updates with three months between seasons.

The First Descendant is available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5 and PC.