Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Clip Showcases Stealth Gameplay

indiana jones and the great circle image 5 1024x576 1 Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Clip Showcases Stealth Gameplay

MachineGames’ single-player first-person action-adventure game is due out for Xbox Series X/S and PC this year.

Microsoft offered another look at Indiana Jones and the Great Circle at its Xbox Games Showcase earlier this month, but though we got a new trailer an extended look at a cutscene, we got to see little of actual gameplay itself. Bethesda has, however, remedied that at least a tiny little bit by sharing a new gameplay clip.

Taking to Twitter, the company has shred a brief clip that’s seemingly set aboard the same old, frozen ship where the aforementioned cutscene took place. The focus here is on stealth, with Indy picking up a brick and throwing it to distract a guard, before sneaking up on another one and stealthily taking it out with a couple of swings of a hammer. Check it out below.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is due out sometime this year for Xbox Series X/S and PC, and will also be available via Game Pass upon release. A specific release date has yet to be announced, but as per leaks, the game will launch this December.