Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Deep Dive Confirms Re-Recorded Lines, Audio Options, Classic Filter

Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater 06 1024x576 1 Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Deep Dive Confirms Re-Recorded Lines, Audio Options, Classic Filter

Producer Noriaki Okamura also confirmed “countless” improvements and updates to character models, alongside hand-tuned expressions.

Pre-orders are available for the physical editions of Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, with GameStop indicating a November launch (before pulling the same). While producer Noriaki Okamura didn’t reveal the release window in a new deep dive episode of the Official Xbox Podcast, he outlined several other details and changes.

For example, the remake features the original game’s performances, but Konami re-recorded some lines with the original actors to teach players about the controls. Since audio doesn’t require as much compression, performances are also higher quality, and more options like 7.1 channel audio are available.

“Countless” improvements and updates have gone into the character models, such that they stand toe-to-toe with those from Metal Gear Solid 5. Facial capture has also been used, but many expressions are hand-tuned to get the desired result. Finally, for those craving the look of the original, a visual filter is included for the same.

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is coming to Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and PC.