Do you find XDefiant’s weapon leveling and even Battle Pass leveling a tad too slow? Chances are, you do, and we have some (kind of) good news for you. The game’s devs have confirmed that XDefiant’s weapon and Battle Pass XP gains will be evauluated.
This was confirmed by Executive Producer Mark Rubin over on Twitter in answering a player who’s concerned about the XP gains for people who can’t game 24/7.
Another thing that should be changing at some point are the effectiveness of faction abilities. Rubin mentioned that they are waiting for more player data to go through before doing any adjustments, but assured that “everything” will be looked at in terms of balancing.
This is also good news, as the devs aren’t acting hastily when it comes to people saying a faction ability is overpowered (OP). That said, based on what we’ve read online, it seems every faction ability is being called OP.
Aside from the upcoming balance adjustments that we’ll be getting at some point, Ubisoft has confirmed that sniper flinch is incoming and even bunnyhopping will be nerfed. In addition to that, a ping system is confirmed to be added at some point and even reticle customization.
Do you think XDefiant’s weapon XP and Battle Pass XP gains are a little on the slow side? What about faction abilities? Which ones are OP?