The Plucky Squire Gameplay Clips Showcase 3D to 2D Transitions, Jetpack, Combat, and More

the plucky squire 1024x576 1 The Plucky Squire Gameplay Clips Showcase 3D to 2D Transitions, Jetpack, Combat, and More

All Possible Futures and Devolver Digital’s action-adventure title releases for PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and PC this year.

The Plucky Squire sits close to the top of most anticipated lists for a great many people, and even though we’ve seen frustratingly little of it, every time it does re-emerge, it continues to look incredibly promising. In recent days, for instance, developer All Possible Futures has been posting short gameplay clips of the action-adventure title on its official Twitter page, and you guessed it- it’s looking really good.

The first clip shows what the game’s 3D to 2D transitions (and vice versa) will look like, with glimpses of the core mechanic of jumping in and out of storybooks to traverse their pages, and exploring 3D environments in between. That mechanic, in fact, is shown to great effect a few times across multiple clips, which also showcase some of the game’s combat, a boxing match against a honey badger, and even a jetpack. Check out the clips below.

The Plucky Squire is due out sometime this year for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC. A specific release date hasn’t yet been announced.