Star Wars Outlaws Doesn’t Have Any Open World Towers

star wars outlaws image 4 1024x576 2 Star Wars Outlaws Doesn’t Have Any Open World Towers

The upcoming action-adventure game won’t make you climb towers to unlock parts of the map, unlike most other Ubisoft games.

Open world towers were a decidedly neat idea when Ubisoft first introduced them a decade and a half ago, but by shoehorning them into virtually every open world game it made from that point forward, the company ensured that the mechanic ended up outstaying its welcome (also thanks to the fact that several non-Ubisoft games have borrowed the mechanic as well). The next big open world game company from the company, however, won’t be sticking to that convention.

Star Wars Outlaws, coming from The Division studio Massive Entertainment, is set to be the first fully open world Star Wars game, but there will be no towers to climb to unlock new sections of the map, uncover activities, or clear the fog of war. The same was confirmed to Game Informer’s Briad Shea by creative director Julian Gerighty.

“I did directly ask the creative director if there are towers you climb in the open world to unlock the map. He said there are not,” Shea wrote on Twitter. In a separate tweet, he confirmed that the fog of war will be cleared organically by simply exploring more of the map.

Star Wars Outlaws launches on August 30 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.