Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Launches for PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and PC in March

star was battlefront classic collection 1024x576 1 Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Launches for PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and PC in March

The classic Battlefront duology is getting a re-release on modern platforms, bringing both its campaign and massive multiplayer battles.

2024 marks the 20th anniversary of Pandemic Studios and LucasArts original Star Wars: Battlefront, and to commemorate that occasion, Aspyr Media has announced a re-release that compiles the classic 2004 shooter and its 2005 sequel.

Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection will launch next month, bringing both Battlefront and Battlefront 2 to modern platforms. Both games’ single player campaigns will be included, as well as the fan-favourite turn-based strategy mode, Galactic Conquest.

Of course, the main highlight here is going to be the multiplayer mode, with the massive 64-player battles of the original Battlefront duology returning, along with bonus maps and heroes being fully restored and integrated, and Hero Assault being made playable on all ground maps for the first time.

Beyond that, you can expect support for two-player offline splitscreen, as well as Trophies and Achievements.

Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection launches on March 14 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.