Overwatch 2 Season 9: Champions Roadmap Revealed

Overwatch 2 Flashpoint 1024x576 1 Overwatch 2 Season 9: Champions Roadmap Revealed

The Hero Mastery: Gauntlet mode isn’t available until March 12th, while the next collaboration is sometime “mid-season.”

For a season that doesn’t add a new map or hero, Overwatch 2 Season 9: Champions is looking pretty packed. Blizzard Entertainment has outlined when players can expect different content, with the new Competitive Play changes, Battle Pass and Cosmic Crisis co-op mode (which is limited-time) available at launch.

Other new cosmetics, including new Los Muertos weapon skins, will also be available alongside the return of the limited-time Valentine’s Day event (with a new Reaper skin included). The new Hero Mastery mode, Gauntlet, goes live on March 12th. As for the next collaboration event, hinted to be Cowboy Bebop, it’s available “mid-season”, which could mean around the same as Gauntlet.

Stay tuned for more details regarding other changes like hero balance. Overwatch 2 Season 9: Champions starts on February 13th for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, PC and Nintendo Switch.