Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Allows for Turning Off Damage Numbers

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League 04 1024x576 1 Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Allows for Turning Off Damage Numbers

Players can also turn off the incoming damage indicators, enemy health bars, the mini-maps, and the entire HUD, among other things.

Rocksteady’s Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League recently received extensive gameplay showcasing the end-game with streamers like DrLupo. There’s much to cover, like Incursion Missions, Elseworlds, Mutators and what to expect in Season 0. However, perhaps the best discovery from the stream is that players can tailor the UI to their liking.

Options include turning off the mini-map, aiming reticle, enemy health bars, incoming damage indicators, dynamic tutorials, players’ names and markers, and more. You can also mercifully turn off the damage numbers and fullscreen effects at low health or shields. There are also multiple colorblind modes, and you can turn off the HUD entirely.

Given how one of the more-discussed concerns is how crowded the UI looked from previews earlier this month, it’s nice to see so many available options. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is out on February 2nd for PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC, but a new Insider episode goes live today.