Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Trailer Focuses on King Shark’s Brute Strength

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League King Shark 1024x576 1 Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Trailer Focuses on King Shark’s Brute Strength

As the tank, King Shark soaks up damage, leaps around, dives on enemies and utilizes heavy weapons while fighting up close.

After releasing a trailer highlighting Harley Quinn and her acrobatics in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, Rocksteady Studios is back with another for King Shark. Known as the Shark God’s son, he’s a powerhouse who can tear through enemies and even go toe-to-toe with Superman.

Though gullible and naive (Wonder Woman rejects his offer to team up), he can soak up tons of damage and leap high into the sky to crash down on enemies. Heavy weapons are his forte, though he also favors shotguns, cleavers, knives and other close-range tools for dismantling enemies. Whether the squad can leverage his talents to emerge victorious remains to be seen.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is out on February 2nd, 2024, for Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and PC (though Deluxe Edition owners get 72 hours of early access). Head here for more details on the title and what to expect. A closed alpha tech test runs from November 30th to December 4th.