The Outlast Trials Gets New Trial, AI Improvements, and More Progression with Latest Update

the outlast trial court 1024x576 1 The Outlast Trials Gets New Trial, AI Improvements, and More Progression with Latest Update

The update also brings with it an entirely new level to co-op horror game.

Developer Red Barrels has announced that the newest update for The Outlast Trials, themed after Halloween, is out now. The update brings with it a host of new content, including the new Court level part of the Trial Program 4: Truth and Justice.

The update also brings with it new Weekly Programs, more MK-Challenges, and a limited-time Halloween event with special rewards called Program Geister. Smaller additions to the game include new Cell Items, Cosmetics, Prescriptions, Variators, Amps, and a new Sleep Room Minigame.

Some of the changes made to the game as part of the Halloween update include changes to how the game’s Group Find works, a new level cap, a new conclusion, tools for player reporting, improvements to the AI, and new rewards based on a player’s performance during a Trial.

The Halloween-themed update was first announced earlier this month. The Outlast Trials has been out as an Early Access title on PC since May, and has proven moderately successful, with the studio revealing that it sold over 500,000 copies in its first week.