Planet of Lana Launches April 16th for PS4, PS5 and Nintendo Switch

Planet of Lana 1024x576 1 Planet of Lana Launches April 16th for PS4, PS5 and Nintendo Switch

The narrative platformer is currently available for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC and has received acclaim for its visuals.

Thunderful Games and Wishfully have announced that acclaimed narrative platformer Planet of Lana is out on April 16th for PS4, PS5 and Nintendo Switch. Check out the latest trailer below.

Launched in May 2023 for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC (while also playable on Game Pass), Planet of Lana stars the titular protagonist on a mysterious planet. Once an overwhelming machine force invades, however, Lana embarks on a journey to rescue her sister and villagers while confronting many dangers.

She doesn’t go it alone, though, as a strange creature named Mui joins her. Players can issue commands to Mui to bypass different obstacles and solve puzzles while sneaking past and fleeing from the machines. As she delves deeper into the planet’s past, it becomes clear that recent events are more than they seem.

With its Studio Ghibli-esque art style, Planet of Lana has garnered acclaim for its presentation, puzzles and narrative.