Destiny 2: The Final Shape Supers Showcased in New Trailers

Destiny 2 The Final Shape 1536x864 1 Destiny 2: The Final Shape Supers Showcased in New Trailers

Destiny 2 players eagerly anticipating a glimpse of what the new subclasses we’ll get to play in The Final Shape, Bungie has just given us a preview of that along with our first look at the Destiny 2: The Final Shape supers! Check ’em outshowcased in the trailers below.

Destiny 2: The Final Shape Supers for Hunter, Warlock and Titan:

Hunter Subclass

Hunters will gain access to the Storm’s Edge super for the Arc subclass, which permits players to throw an Arc dagger that teleports them forward and executes a whirlwind strike. Furthermore, Hunters will acquire the Ascension Aspect, allowing them to consume their class ability mid-air to propel themselves upwards, damaging nearby enemies.

Warlock Subclass

Warlocks will harness the power of ‘Song of Flame’ super for the Solar subclass, which overcharges their melee ability and transforms their grenade into a Spirit of Flame that seeks out nearby enemies and explodes on contact. Teammates who remain close while this ability is active will receive faster ability regeneration, damage resistance, and a scorch buff to their Kinetic and Solar weapons. Warlocks also get a Hellion Aspect that summons a Solar Soul which bombards enemies from a safe distance.

Titan Subclass

For Titans, the Void subclass will introduce the Twilight Arsenal super, enabling players to hurl three Void axes that not only draw in enemies before detonating but also weaken the survivors. These thrown axes can be retrieved by the players and their fireteam to be used as melee weapons. The Titan Aspect ability called Unbreakable, allows players to consume a grenade to craft a damage-blocking shield that can be unleashed to deal significant area damage.

Destiny 2: The Final Shape launches February 27, 2024 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.