Nintendo Direct Could Happen in July – Rumor

nintendo direct 1024x576 1 Nintendo Direct Could Happen in July – Rumor

Giant Bomb’s Jeff Grubb has heard “early rumblings” of something happening in July, though the nature of the event is unknown.

With all the showcases happening this month, Nintendo is conspicuous by its absence. It usually has a Direct around E3 time, if not in September. That doesn’t seem to be the case this year (barring a last-minute announcement), but Giant Bomb’s Jeff Grubb has heard “early rumblings” of something in July.

“Just early rumblings. I’ll say that I’m hearing something’s gonna be in July. Whether that is a proper Direct, a partner Direct, or a third party showcase Direct… However they want to frame – a Direct Mini. I have no idea, but it seems like… Don’t expect anything of that sort, at least until next month, and if that even happens at all.

“But like I said, rumblings. It seems pretty likely that something could happen next month with Nintendo, although a July Direct would be weird.”

Nintendo is fresh off releasing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which earned near-universal acclaim and sold 10 million units in just three days. It also has Pikmin 4 releasing in July, though its long-term future is a bit foggier. Miyamoto has teased about staying tuned to future Directs to find out about Mario’s future, and there are the usual Switch 2 rumors (even as Nintendo maintains that no new hardware is coming in fiscal year 23/24).

It wouldn’t be odd if the publisher had an announcement or two at the Summer Game Fest Showcase on June 8th, but in the meantime, we’ll have to wait and see.