Death Stranding 2: On the Beach’s store listing also mentions a unique and explorable world, and exciting and adaptable combat.
Sony and Kojima Productions have revealed more details about the upcoming Death Stranding 2: On the Beach. Thanks to an update to the game’s PlayStation Store listing, we now know that, among other things, it will also feature the asynchronous multiplayer features that were present in the original Death Stranding.
Labelled “social strand gameplay”, the game’s store listing mentions that a player’s actions can affect other players in the game’s world. If the first Death Stranding is any indication, this means that players will be able to make use of, for example, a ladder or climbing rope left behind by another player who has been through the area. Players will not need a subscription to PlayStation Plus to make use of these online features.
Other features in the listing describe Death Stranding 2: On the Beach as featuring a unique and explorable world, exciting and adaptable combat, and compelling story and characters.
“Sam – with companions by his side – sets out on a new journey to save humanity from extinction,” says the game’s description. “Join them as they traverse a world beset by otherworldly enemies, obstacles and a haunting question: Should we have connected? Step by step, legendary game creator Hideo Kojima changes the world once again.”
This update to the PlayStation Store page for Death Stranding 2: On the Beach comes just a week before more details about the title are set to be revealed. Back in February, Sony and Kojima Productions had announced that there will be a “special panel” about Death Stranding 2: On the Beach during the upcoming SXSW 2025 on March 9.
While we don’t know exactly what will be revealed during the panel, we expect the trailer that Kojima has been posting about editing on social media platforms will likely be debuted there. The trailer is also expected to reveal the game’s release date.
Speaking of the trailer, Kojima recently revealed that it was in the “final stages of editing”. In the same post, Kojima also explained his process for editing trailers, with each being structured around a specific idea. The upcoming trailer apparently “revolves around the music”.
“The initial cut, arranged intuitively based on the sound, is then refined through a more analytical approach, adjusting for narrative flow, misdirection, and transitions,” posted Kojima.
While work on the trailer has been ongoing, Kojima has also been announcing when the studio has wrapped up work with specific actors. Most recently, he posted about wrapping up work with Kenjiro Tsuda, Nana Mizuki, Tomokazu Sugita, Shion Wakayama, Akihiko Ishizumi, and Mitsuru Miyamoto for a scene that involved all six interacting with each other.
He also stated in the same post that, while the work with these actors was finished, there was still plenty more work around Japanese voice recording left to be done.
A short scene from the upcoming trailer was shown off earlier by Kojima. The scene, involving protagonist Sam Porter Bridges and Fragile, had the characters discussing meeting someone face-to-face for the first time.
Death Stranding 2: On the Beach is being developed for PS5. If its predecessor is anything to go by, the game will also likely see a PC release down the line.