Delta Force’s Black Hawk Down Campaign is Seven Chapters Long, Launch Trailer Released

The free campaign goes live at 7 PM PST on February 21st, and due to the challenge, Team Jade recommends four-player co-op.

Team Jade’s Delta Force, a reboot of NovaLogic’s tactical shooter series, is finally getting its campaign, Black Hawk Down, in the coming days. A reboot of Ridley Scott’s film and a homage to Delta Force: Black Hawk Down, it’s completely free with seven chapters available.

Though it’s playable solo, the developer advises co-op play with three other players. Each chooses a class and loadout before jumping in, starting with urban warfare and eventually taking point. Mild spoilers are available for what each chapter entails, but much like the film, a friendly chopper goes down, and it’s your job to save them.

The Black Hawk Down campaign launches on February 21st at 7 PM PST. Check out the launch trailer below for a brief look at the campaign. Delta Force is available on PC, though it’s also in development for Xbox, PlayStation, iOS, and Android.