Papergames has released the complete patch notes for Infinity Nikki’s first major update called “Shooting Star Season” that’s set to launch on December 30. Those on PlayStation 5, you can preload the patch as Infinity Nikki update 1.001.001 right now, though it can’t be installed until tomorrow, December 30.
There’s a lot to take in, so read on for the complete patch notes for Infinity Nikki’s Shooting Star Season, which ushers in new events, quests, a new phase of Mira Journey, and more.
Infinity Nikki Server Downtime Schedule for Shooting Star Season Roll Out
According to Papergames, the Infinit Nikki servers will be offline starting at 12:50 (UTC-7)/2 am ET/11 pm PT/3 pm HKT on December 29, 2024. During this period, the game will be inaccessible. The studio notes that maintenance schedule may be adjusted based on actual conditions.
Events Ending Once Shooting Star Season Starts
The limited-time Resonance Event “Croaker’s Whisper” and “Bubbling Affections” will end at 12:49 on December 29 (UTC-7). Be sure to use your limited-time Revelation Crystals and claim your rewards from Deep Echoes in time.
The events “Wishfield Journal,” “Your Companion’s Day Invitation!” and “Companion’s Day Gifts” will also end on December 29 at 12:49 (UTC-7).
The outfits Timeless Echo, Unseen Entity and Woolfruit Siesta will be removed from Store on December 29 at 12:49 (UTC-7).

New Content
- The “Star-Kissed Wishes” event unlocks. Participate in activi- ties like “Good Decor, Bad Decor,” “Save the Wishing Nebula!” and “Truth and Celebration” to earn rewards such as Diamonds and the exclusive “Memory’s Stardust” earrings sketch.
- The limited-time Resonance event “Celestial Wishes” unlocks: 5-star outfit “Wings of Wishes” and 4-star outfit “Starfall Radi- ance” will be available in Resonance during the event.
- Wearing the full set of the 5-star outfit [Wings of Wishes] grants a swift, wind-like floating experience on the wings of a paper crane.
- When wearing the 4-star outfit [Starfall Radiance] and using the pose [Praying Hands], shooting stars will streak across the sky.
- New Resonance Reward: Upon reaching 160 Resonance attempts in [Celestial Wishes], you can claim the decoration [Uncaged Wishes] as an additional reward. This decoration can be placed in open areas for photography and display.
- The “Into a Starry Night” event unlocks. During the event, complete tasks to collect Starlight Shards. Stylists can redeem them for the free 3-star outfit “Path of Starlight.”
- The “Adventure Under the Stars” event unlocks. Complete World Quests and Random Quests in “Wish Adventures” and “Wish Encounters” to earn rewards such as Diamonds and the “Overflowing Fortune” earrings sketch.
- The “Let’s Touch Shooting Stars!” event unlocks. Complete specific levels during the event to earn the exclusive “Starlit Wish” stylist card background, Diamonds, and more.
- The “Take the Bait, Pink Ribbon Eel!” event unlocks. Com- plete World Quests and Random Quests in “Lucky Moments” and “Fun Encounters” to earn rewards such as Diamonds and the title “Only the Willing.”
- The limited-time check-in event “Starwish Gifts” unlocks. Log in for a total of 7 days during the event to receive re- wards, including Revelation Crystal*10.
- The Interlude Chapter: “Call of Beginnings” unlocks. Com- plete the interlude chapter “Call of Beginnings” and unlock the node in the Heart of Infinity to receive the sketch for the 5-Star Miracle Outfit [Silvergale’s Aria] for free.
- The “Wishful Aurosa” makeup will be available in the Heart of Infinity. Complete the World Quest “Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes” and unlock the node in the Heart of In- finity to acquire the makeup sketches.
- A new phase of Mira Journey is available. When a new phase of “Mira Journey” begins, the “Journey Overture” will automatically unlock. You can complete “Journey Tasks” to earn Journey EXP, level up, and receive rewards, including Resonite Crystals, Energy Crystals, etc. Stylists can purchase “Distant Anthem” and “Miracle Epic” to unlock additional rewards, including a selected Momo’s Cloak, Stellarites, Di- amonds, Revelation Crystals, exclusive avatar frame “Lucky Key,” etc.
- In this phase of Mira Journey, you can choose between two Momo’s Cloaks: “Momo’s Cloak: Roar” and “Momo’s Cloak: Nightfall.”
- A new phase of “Wishfield: Pinnacle Contest” begins. Duration: December 29, 2024 (server launch) – January 12, 2025, 18:59 (UTC-7)
Effects: +3% to Score for each [Fantasy] Piece; +3% to Score for each [Romance] Piece.
- Added the [Assisted Path] mechanism to dungeons. When stylists repeatedly fail to clear certain stages, an option to enable the Assisted Path will be triggered. If you wish to quickly experience the subsequent content of the dungeon, you can choose to enable the Assisted Path to clear the cur- rent stage.
- Added [Quick Challenge] to [Realm of The Dark], [Realm of Eureka], and [Realm of Breakthrough]. After the update, stylists who clear the corresponding levels can unlock Quick
- After the version update on December 29, stylists must clear each corresponding Realm Challenge at least once to unlock Quick Challenge.
- The outfits Gleaming Dance, Snowy Encounter, and Star of the Gala will be available for a limited time! [Starlight Gift] Limited Series Packs will also be available.

- Improved the Styling Challenges score settlement mecha- nism: After the update, stylists can wear more than 5 accesso- ries. During the score settlement stage, the system will auto- matically select 5 accessories with the highest scores and add them up.
- Enhanced the experience of using the Shrinking Ability: After the update, you can open “Wardrobe” and change Nikki’s clothes while using the Shrinking Ability.
- Improved the [Makeup Display] when putting on outfits and switching abilities. After the update, putting on outfits in “Wardrobe” or using abilities will no longer alter the current makeup or skin tone.
- Improved the in-game photography experience: When using Momo’s Camera or Snapshot, photos will now be dis- played in full screen after being taken. Additionally, in Nikki’s Album, Scrapbook, Expeditions, and Snapshot Hourglass, you can zoom in on photos and hide icons.
- Improved the display of Esselings when taking photos: After the update, Esselings’ HP bars will no longer be visible in photos.
- Improved the display of some Poses.
- Improved the tracking function of World Quests. After the update, you can track the World Quests in Map and the main
screen.- Only one quest can be tracked at a time.
- Added new Grand Crane landing spots in Dream Ware- house dungeon: After completing the level, you can re-en- ter and ride the Grand Crane to explore Dream Warehouse.
- Adjusted the music playback mechanism for [The Original Warehouse] stage. After clearing the stage, stylists can ride the Grand Crane and enjoy the music “Find My Way” repeat- edly.
- Enhanced the jumping experience in the [Cleansing Oil Workshop] stage in Beauty Lab dungeon.
- Improved the reward-claiming function in Realm Challeng- es: After the update, when infusing Vital Energy to exchange for rewards, you can select the maximum amount, and the system will automatically calculate the appropriate number of attempts.
- Enhanced the special effects of some pollen upon activation.

- Improved the display of the popup window when claiming all rewards in Mira Crown.
- Enhanced some star-level descriptions and reduced the number of pieces required to clear stages.
- Optimized the display of icons in the top-right corner of the main interface. After the update, a new option under [Settings – Features] allows stylists to choose whether to display icon names.
- Optimized the tab sorting in Store.
- Enhanced some display elements in the Resonance inter- face.Improved the entrance animation and scene display in Evolution.
- Refined the actions and effects during violin performanc- es when using the Violinist ability, and added a screenshot button to the performance interface.
- Enhanced the display of certain scenes on mobile devices. • Adjusted the size of certain icons and interactive areas on mobile devices.
- Modified the default setting for the [Joystick Mode] on mobile devices. After the update, newly registered stylists will default to [Fixed Joystick], while stylists registered before the update will remain unaffected.
- Added a [Sleep Mode] toggle for mobile devices. When enabled, the device will automatically enter a screen sleep state after a period of inactivity, conserving power while re- ducing visual performance. Any activity in the open world will wake the screen. After the update, you can adjust this feature under [Settings – Features] based on your preference and the device performance.
- Improved the exit mechanism of the PC version. After the update, you can exit the game or return to the login screen directly via Pear-Pal in the game.
Given the scope of the update, don’t be surprised to see another patch released to fix any issues that stem from the content and changes made with this patch.