Apex Legends’ Next Playable Character is Ballistic

apex legends ballistic 1024x576 1 Apex Legends’ Next Playable Character is Ballistic

Apex Legends’ next playable character is a former Thunderdome athlete returning to battle to keep his son safe.

Developer Respawn Entertainment has revealed the next character joining the roster for battle royale game Apex Legends. Slated to be coming to the game with Season 17 on May 9, the new playable character joining the Apex Legends roster is Ballistic. Check out the latest episode of Stories from the Outlands introducing Ballistic below.

Ballistic is a former Thunderdome athlete whose career ended with the tragic death of his teammate and brother-in-law. Ballistic has since become a bit of a loner, choosing to neglect his family until they left. Ballistic finds that his son has qualified for the Apex Games, which spurs him into action. He makes a deal with the Syndicate to replace his son in the Apex Games to keep him safe.

Titled Arsenal, the new season of Apex Legends is set to get a reveal trailer later this week, where we’ll likely get more details about Ballistic’s abilities and general gameplay. His reveal trailer focused primarily on the backstory.

The new season of Apex Legends doesn’t yet have too many details yet, but the studio has been teasing an update to the World’s Edge map. Apex Legends just kicked off its Veiled Collection event, which brought with it a new limited-time mode—TDM Unshielded Deadeye—along with new cosmetics and a new Prestige skin for Caustic.