PS5 Update Lets You Add Old-School PlayStation Sound FX and Designs to Home Screen

ps5 1024x576 1 PS5 Update Lets You Add Old-School PlayStation Sound FX and Designs to Home Screen

Witness the PlayStation One’s boot-up screen in all its glory and make your Home screen resemble the PS2, PS3, PS4, and more.

The 30th anniversary of Sony’s PlayStation brand is tomorrow, and a new update is available for PS5 owners that adds a touch of nostalgia. As posted by Tom Warren on Twitter, the boot-up screen resembles the original PlayStation, complete with the Sony Computer Entertainment logo (before it became Sony Interactive Entertainment and then PlayStation Studios).

But that’s not all. Enter the Settings menu and click on PlayStation 30th Anniversary to select options for changing the appearance and sound of the Home screen to resemble older consoles. These include PlayStation One, PS2, PS3, and PS4, mimicking their sound effects when moving through the menu screens.

Unfortunately, this option is seemingly available for a limited time, so cherish it. As part of PlayStation’s 30th anniversary, we may also see the launch of My First Gran Turismo for PS4 and PS5. This free trial offers a selection of cars and events from Gran Turismo 7 to try out. Stay tuned for a potential stealth drop in the coming days.