BioWare has released a new update for Dragon Age: The Veilguard, bringing a handful of improvements to the overall experience, while also squashing a bunch of bugs.
Highlights include photo mode filters, and a selection of user interface-based enhancements. Meanwhile, the bug fixes address all kinds of things, like wonky facial animations and incorrect equipment stats.
Interestingly, the developer makes a point of there being another patch in the works, which it’ll “talk more about soon”. It’s possible that BioWare’s cooking a more substantial update — but we’ll have to wait and see.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Patch 3 Patch Notes
Quality of Life Changes:
- Arrow keys can now be bound to input mappings.
- Filters added to Photo Mode.
- Screenshot file names from Photo Mode have been simplified, showing the date the photo was taken.
- The File Path where screenshots are saved is now shown in game when a screenshot is taken through Photo Mode.
- It is now easier to identify where an Enchantment has been applied to a companion’s equipment.
- Adjusted the Glint option description in Settings.
- New rings can now be compared against both equipped ring slots.
- A notification now appears when the Crossroads’ Spirit Merchant is available.
- Added new icons for some weapons.
Bug Fixes:
- Eliminated the causes of a small number of crashes.
- Rook’s body shape no longer changes unexpectedly after a cutscene with Emmrich.
- Adjusted an odd facial expression when Rook first meets Emmrich.
- Fixed a rare issue where some of an existing Rook’s settings got unintentionally reset after making and saving a new Rook. This fix is now also on consoles and retroactively affects saves on all platforms.
- Adjusted the volume level of Spite’s voice in some scenes.
- Fixed some instances where music would incorrectly stop playing.
- Fixed some instances where unintended music or sound effects would play.
- Antaam Champions now correctly do slightly more damage.
- Mage Rooks no longer shift to the right awkwardly after performing an extended dodge.
- The Rogue Skill “Underdog’s Bite” now correctly lists “Enhanced Damage” instead of “Empowered Damage.”
- Fixed some instances where enemies could get stuck or were unreachable in some areas.
- Fixed some instances where companions could get stuck on balance beams.
- Bellara can no longer endlessly charge Rook’s Ultimate outside of combat.
- Emmrich’s attack stat is now displayed correctly at the start of the Where the Dead Must Go quest.
- Fixed a bug where Emmrich was sometimes not available on the ability wheel during the Where the Dead Must Go quest.
- Companions’ revives are now correctly refilled at the start of The Last Gambit quest.
- The Kataranda now has its correct unique coloring.
- Fixed an issue with the critical hit and penetration modifiers on the “Twin Edged Pick” Warrior weapon.
- Taash’s cape on the “Rivain’s Legacy” armor no longer stretches in cutscenes.
- The Grey Warden “Recruit’s Simple Tunic” appearance no longer clips uncomfortably through Rook’s neck.
- The “Mythals’ Light” Mage weapon now does the intended amount of physical base damage (0).
- The “Mythal’s Light” Mage weapon now does physical damage to enemy health if a physical damage enchantment is applied.
- Fixed instances where stat bonuses from some Treviso valuables were applied incorrectly.
- Fixed instances where valuables with stat increases were not all visible in merchant stores.
- Improved textures on various characters and environment objects.
- Fixed an issue where VFX could become extremely bright.
- Fixed several distance “pop-in” issues.
- Fixed an issue that caused the camera to stutter when closing the eluvian interface.
- Fixes several instances where quest objectives would not update correctly during some quests.
- The On Deadly Wings quest can now be completed even if the A Slow Poison quest has not been fully completed.
- The Mayor of D’Meta’s Crossing no longer appears in two places at once during the Lives Spared quest.
- One of the Revenants will no longer fail to appear in the Crossroads.
- Fixed an issue where a door would not open during the Heights of Athim memory in the Regrets of the Dreadwolf quest.
- The intended 2D cinematic scene now plays after the Shadows Crossing quest.
- Fixed an issue where the path forward could become blocked in the A Murder of Crows quest.
- Fixed a blocking issue during the In Entropy’s Grasp quest.
- Companions are now present when loading the first autosave made in the Isle of the Gods quest.
- The HDR Calibration setting is now saved correctly between game sessions.
- Prevented multiple instances where Rook could get stuck while exploring Thedas.
- One of the “Watcher’s Robe” appearance variations is now correctly granted after completing the Disrupt and Conquer memory.
- Fixed a place in Arlathan Forest where Rook could get stuck in a drowning loop.
- Fixed instances where Rook forgot they already had the lyrium dagger and could not interact with treasure chests and altars.
- Codex entries that were already read will no longer be re-marked as unread.
- Fixed an issue where the scrollbar could get stuck in the Codex screen.
- Enchantments on abilities are now reset correctly when Skill Tree nodes are reset.
- The Crossroads’ Spirit Merchant now shows the intended faction reputation gained for whichever city was blighted when selling valuables.
- Fixed a rare issue where some Skill Tree nodes were sometimes unable to be unlocked.